Update - 13th August 2014
Client Updates15 Sep, 2014 2303 1
Hope this email finds you well.
We’re back from leave and have commenced operations as per usual. We have a couple of quick but important notices.
Update Your Password
If you have Administration Software and your password is easy to guess (e.g. your name), please change it immediately. You can generate a strong password by following the steps here. If you prefer to create your own password, please be sure to include numbers and letters.
We have security measures in place to block most attacks but a weak password provides a direct path to your database.
Business Hours
Our business hours have been updated:
Monday to Friday: 10am - 5pm
Of course, you can email us whenever you like! We’ll endeavour to get back to you within one working day.
Hosting Price Change
As of 1st July, hosting invoices have increased by $15 a year. We're working hard to keep hosting costs as low as possible while providing an A grade service. If you have any questions about this increase, please don’t hesitate to email us.
MeKoo is Mobile Friendly
Our website is now mobile friendly! If you'd like the same for your site, just shoot us an email or give us a call.
Web Updates
As usual, be sure to keep your website up-to-date. It's great for SEO as Google always prioritises fresh content!
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