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How do I use Social Networking to promote my Website and Shopping Cart?

Social Networking
30 May, 2013 2553 8

Unless you have been living under a rock for the last 2 years, you'd know that social media has become one of the best places to promote your business. The sheer amount of traffic that these sites attract means that if you are not taking part in the race, then you are already behind.

So how exactly do you use Social Networking to promote your Website/Shopping cart?

In short, by creating an environment where your potential customers can be connected to your business with just a couple of clicks. Show people that they are important to you by allowing them to see the ins and outs of your media page and you are sure to convert a passer-by into a customer.

Let’s take a look at one simple example with the largest social networking website out there; Facebook.

You can create a fan page and have people ‘Like’ your page. The more likes you get the more your page will be automatically advertised through Facebook's public forum, the 'News Feed'. This is something website development alone can not do. This is just one of the many free methods of advertising your business using social media. If you are willing to spend a few dollars you can really up the campaign by taking your business into the world of Facebook Adverts.

Facebook Adverts allows you to specify exactly your target demographic and advertise to them directly appearing on their News Feed according to the guidelines you set. You can specify age, job, education levels, area, gender…just about anything to have your advertising campaign tailored to your business needs.  So for example, if you're a service based business, you can have your web design featured solely in Melbourne so your advert only displays to people who can actually use your services.

Joining the rest of the internet world in advertising on social media sites to help promote your website/shopping cart in today’s world is absolutely essential if you want to be able to compete with your competitors in winning over the customers you need to keep your boat afloat. And after all, there's no point spending your hard earned money on a professional website if people aren't visiting it!

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